Glass Cloud Members part ways, Plans?

Glass Cloud
Glass Cloud officially posted on their official facebook page that Glass Cloud and other members Chad and Travis have decided to continue music on separate ways. 

Here's the full excerpt posted via Glass Cloud Official Facebook page.
To our friends, fans, and family,
Some of you might have already heard that there will be some major changes within Glass Cloud. Firstly, we want to say to everyone that has supported us up to this point that we love and appreciate all of you and everything that you've done that has brought us here. We feel incredibly grateful to have been able to do the amazing things we've been a part of together this far. 
Secondly, the four of us have nothing but love for each other and we want nothing more than to support each other as people and as artists. We've been through hell and back together. From two near deadly van accidents to releasing two pieces of music that we all love dearly together. We can only say that we've grown tremendously as people with those experiences in our lives and have learned things that have come to shape who we are today. For that we are forever grateful. 
With that being said, Glass Cloud and Chad & Travis have decided to mutually part ways. Chad and Travis have decided to focus the majority of their time and energy on another project that they've been working on together and also pursue other artistic interests. But the door will still remain open for the two of them to take part in the creative process of future Glass Cloud releases.
Josh and Jerry will be carrying on the Glass Cloud legacy by working on brand new music and playing shows all over the world for all of you. We are all sure that this will be the best thing for everyone and that Josh and Jerry will take Glass Cloud to the heights that we all know the band is capable of with all of your love and support. 
We will be bringing some very talented friends to fill Chad and Trav's shoes on our co-headliner with Scale The Summit. So, Thank you all in advance for your continued love and support through this transitional phase. From this step, we can all continue to grow freely as people and as musicians. We fully encourage everyone to keep up with us all as we each enter new chapters of our musical lives.
Peace and Light,
- GC
 image Source: Glass Cloud Artwork

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